"Welcome! If you've been brought to this page, I'm glad you're here. I'm here, to help you remember. To remember who you are. You see, healing and finding inner peace, isn't about discovering something new, adding something to who you are, or changing yourself. It's simply about remembering. Remembering your worth, remembering your
value. Remembering that who you are is already perfect, flawless, and utterly priceless.
The problem is, we forget. We forget because life teaches us that we aren't enough. Trauma teaches us that something's wrong with us. And religion teaches us that something's missing in us. And something is missing in us. But it isn't our value. It's our memory!
My name is Dumitru. I am an intuitive lifecoach, medium, energy healing practitioner, metaphysics teacher, and master healer. It is my goal to help you get reacquainted with yourself, through honing your gifts, healing your hurt, and helping you remember who you are. Who you really are. Who you've always been. And who the world has been waiting for. Together, let's dig through the dirt and reveal the diamond that is you! Welcome!"